(Turin, 1969)

Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra
00h 23' 00" Solo

dal Concerto per cembalo e archi BWV 1052 di Johann Sebastian Bach
orchestrazione in chiave moderna di Nicola Campogrande
2222 - 2 o - Vib. - Archi

On rental. Taken from the 'Concerto No. 1 in D minor' by Bach and reorchestrated for piano and a 30-piece ensemble including clarinets, horns and vibraphone, this piece was commissioned by the Settimane Musicali di Stresa and is considered an 'almost cinematographic work. There are moments where the first level is Bach, others where different lights turn on: there is a bit of swing, a bit of be bop' (Campogrande).

Anno di composizione/Composed in: 2002

Operas of CAMPOGRANDE Nicola