(Turin, 1969)

Origini per soli, coro e orchestra
00h 50' 00" Symphonic

cantata asimmetrica per soprano, baritono, coro di voci bianche, corale popolare e orchestra di studenti
testo di Dario Voltolini
5040 - 4 Sax. (2 c. t. br.) - 0200 - Tp. Perc. Basso el. Pf. (4 m.) - Archi (4 Vni I, 3 Vni II, 3 Vni III, Vc. solo, 6 Vc. II)

On rental. Commissioned by the Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte of Montepulciano, 'Origini' is an 'asymmetrical cantata about the birth of music'. The work 'lets us listen to the different ways in which music can be born: from movement, sadness, anger, and also from words' (Campogrande).

Composed in: 2001

Operas of CAMPOGRANDE Nicola