(Milan, 1954)

Federico II
02h 15' 00" Operas

originale italiano di Giuseppe Di Leva
opera in 1 Prol. e 2 A. (Italia XIII secolo)
1ª Jesi Teatro Pergolesi 1-10-2004
FEDERICO, br. - PIERO, t. - ENRICO/Soldato, t. - ISABELLA, s. - VIOLANTE, s. - Federico bambino/Corradino, voce bianca - Omar/Michele, b. - Innocenzo/Berardo, br. - Dottore, b. (dal coro) - Puparo, recit.
CORO: uomini, donne
ORCHESTRA: 2020-2000 - Perc. (1 esec.) Sintetizzatore, A. - Archi

Orchestral material on rental

Commissioned by the Opera Theater of Bonn, a new version of Tutino's opera premiered at the Teatro Comunale Pergolesi in Jesi, the birth city of Federico II. It is a story of war, of death, of power, of children in contention with their fathers, of love, of deception and of faith retold with grand 'arias that surge in an extremely tense musical and dramaturgical construction that reminds out of necessity and reinforces the spirit of an ancient tragedy'b(W. Malosti).

Composed in: 1992

Operas of TUTINO Marco