(Milan, 1954)

Peter Uncino
01h 15' 00" Operas

originale italiano di Michele Serra (da James Matthew Barrie)
dialogo concertante 1 A. (ambientazione fantastica)
1ª Verona Teatro Filarmonico 24-11-2001
UNCINO, ms. o voce non lirica - PETER, attore - L'ombra, mimo
1010-2011 - Tp. Perc. - Archi (minimo
sul palcoscenico: Perc. + Vib. + Glsp. (1 esec.) Pf. + Cel. Ch. Bandoneon - Vno, Cb.
versione per ensemble: Perc. + Vib. + Glsp. (1 esec.) Pf. + Cel. (1 esec.) Ch. Bandoneon - Vno, Cb.

Orchestral material on rental

A chamber opera full of comic pain, paradox and irony freely inspired by the story of Peter Pan. Premiered at the Philharmonic Theater of Verona with protagonists Milva as Captain Hook and David Riondino as Peter Pan. The show realizes a tour of thirty performances in major Italian cities.

Composed in: 2001

Operas of TUTINO Marco