(Milan, 1954)

01h 30' 00" Operas

originale italiano di Patrizia Valduga (dal dramma "Wit" di Margaret Edson)

Orchestral material on rental

Commissioned by the Teatro alla Scala for the 2002/03 opera season, the opera libretto written by poet Patrizia Valduga, was loosely inspired by the comedy Wit by Margaret Edson, winner of the 1999 Pulitzer Prize. The work was premiered at the Piccolo Teatro Studio in a production directed by Giuseppe Grazioli with Anna Caterina Antonacci as Vita. The composer sets a long introspection of a woman from the moment of her cancer diagnosis to her death. 'The song is the nucleus of music' and in that comes 'possibly the most deterring subject of the last ten years: death. This is paired with an aesthetic genre that is also among those that are now forgotten: poetry' (Tutino).

Composed in: 2003

Operas of TUTINO Marco