(Milan, 1954)

Piano americano, concerto per clarinetto e orchestra da camera
00h 20' 00" Solo

2202-2210 - Perc. Pf. - Archi

Orchestral material on rental

Premiered at the Teatro della Scala under director Carlo Rizzi and clarinet soloist Dimitri Ashkenazy, the piece was commissioned by the same theater for the symphonic season of 1994/95. The clarinet concerto is the composer's homage to the American cinema, particularly the Western, in which the typical frames are in the piano americano (American shot) - from the knees to the head of the actor - to better visually narrate the tension between the characters in a duel. 'Twenty minutes of musical pleasure [...] a score ably calibrated and of notable sonorous impact' as called by Angelo Folletto in a review of the premiere at La Scala.

Composed in: 1994

Operas of TUTINO Marco