(Milan, 1954)

Il gatto con gli stivali
01h 30' 00" Operas

originale italiano di Giuseppe Di Leva (liberamente tratto dalla favola di Charles Perrault)
traduzione francese di Jean-François Patricola, tedesca di Esther Ferrier e Rupert Lummer
musical 2 A. (epoca fantastica)
1ª Verona Teatro Nuovo 17-4-1997
IL GATTO, br. - NICOLA, t. - DRUSILLA, s. - IL RE, b. - L'ORCO, b.
CORO: ragazzi
Cl. Cl.b. - Sax.c. Sax.t. - Trb. Trbn. - Perc. Fis. Pf. - Vno, Cb.

Orchestral material on rental

From the celebrated fable comes a musical written in a 'metabolism of a highly cultivated style and musical language born and developed in the 1950s that lead to the birth of rock music and in definition of all so-called pop music' (Tutino). Commissioned by the Arena di Verona, the production traveled to the Opera Theater of Metz in France for the 1999/2000 season and was revived at the Teatro Nuovo in Verona in 2001.

Composed in: 1997

Operas of TUTINO Marco