(Perugia, 1956)

Un giorno qualunque
01h 20' 00" Operas

originale italiano di Gino Viziano e Carlo Pedini
opera 1 A. (epoca contemporanea alla 1ª)
1ª Osimo Teatro Nuova Fenice 26-6-2000
IRENE, s. - Alice, voce bianca o s. - Geppetto, t. - Il dottore, br. - Giulio, t. - Michelina, ms. - Enrica, ms. - Lucina, s.
2222-2200 - Tp. Perc. Pf. A. - Archi

Orchestral material on rental

A courageous attempt to set a contemporary story to music, this piece was first received by the press with 'a certain discord for the prosaic nature of the libretto, and later 'transformed into appreciation, reflection, and ultimately emotion'. Between the dark orchestration and anxious ostinatos, moments of emotional lyricism stand out like brief lacerations of forgetfulness from a reality as terrible as daily life.

Composed in: 1998

Operas of PEDINI Carlo