(Perugia, 1956)

Te Deum per coro misto e orchestra da camera
00h 35' 00" Symphonic

Fl. Ob. Cl. (Fl.2, Ob.2, 2 Fg. 2 Trb. ad lib.) - Archi

Orchestral material on rental
Paradiso). From these words derives the inspiration for the color of this Te Deum, an work of vast proportions that grows from formulas based on triple repetitions of the same fragments. The Gregorian incipit written expressly for the purity of young voices is interrupted by an orchestral adagio, in which the entrance of the choir is abruptly and unexpectedly cut off. Premiered at the Cattedrale di Città di Castello and later performed throughout Italy.

Composed in: 1999

Operas of PEDINI Carlo